Pattinaggio Comunale – L’Azione
Ancora una volta, un filo di neve mette in crisi la citta’ Riflessioni e lamentele di un fabrianese emigrato dove la neve, nonostante cada davvero, viene affrontata come si deve.
MIT’s Oceanographer Paola Malanotte – Bostoniano (Inglese)
Sitting in Professor Paola Malanotte-Rizzoli’s office at MIT, I forget for a few minutes what I am there for. We are discussing her passion for opera, and how she almost pursued a career in the arts as a young girl.
La Bossa e Gil: il Brasile a Fabriano – L’Azione
Sul palco del ‘Gentile’, pochi – anzi niente – fronzoli: qualsiasi aggiunta, a un un paio di luci giuste e ad una buona amplificazione, sarebbe stata di troppo per uno che suona la chitarra e canta come Gilberto Gil. E
Gianfranco Zaccai: Innovation to the Next Level – Bostoniano (Inglese)
“Please, don’t call it just a design firm,” says Continuum founder Gianfranco Zaccai as we walk through open space offices, labs and workshops for prototype making, peppered with sleek displays showcasing never-seen-before products complete with an explanation of what they
I Buoni, i Cattivi e … i Registi! – L’Azione
Ci risiamo, cari concittadini: l’America e’ di nuovo in guerra, con un nemico – al solito – in un modo o nell’altro creato da lei. In TV tornano a passare le stesse (identiche) immagini del 2003, i soliti missili tomahawk
St Leonard Pastor: Padre Antonio Nardoianni – Bostoniano (Inglese)
St. Leonard is wrapped in scaffolding to the point of not looking much like a church anymore. Even the sounds (including some of the language used by the workers) are not very church-like. As I wait for Padre Antonio Nardoianni,
Marisa Iocco: The Midas Touch of Italian Cooking – Bostoniano (Inglese)
“Cooking is an act of love — an ancient primal gesture,” Executive Chef Marissa Iocco opines. “Like all acts of love, it is deeply gratifying and like all ancient primal gestures, it’s good for the soul.” Executive Chef Marisa Iocco
Ivo Cubi: A Destiny Carved in Marble – Bostoniano (Inglese)
No matter how hard he tried, Ivo Cubi could not have done anything else for a living. His last name, to begin with, in Italian literally means “Cubes.” Plus he was born into a family that, in one capacity or
Flavia Laviosa: Making Italian Useful – Bostoniano (Inglese)
“So sorry about the mess,” says Flavia Laviosa as she welcomes me to her home, a one-bedroom apartment halfway between Harvard and MIT. I quickly realize that the contents of her apartment live up to its location. The “mess” —